Singing Guide: Shawn Mendes feat. Khalid

Singing Guide: Shawn Mendes feat. Khalid

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Shawn Mendes is a popular Canadian singer and songwriter who gained an immense following when he started posting videos on Vine in 2013. He released his debut album, "Handwritten," in 2015 and has since released several albums and hit tracks.

One of his most famous collaborations was with Khalid, a young American singer-songwriter who gained popularity with his hit song "Location" in 2016. Their song "Youth" was released in 2018, and its message of hope and resilience in the face of adversity resonated with millions of listeners.

To sing like Shawn Mendes feat. Khalid, it is essential to understand their unique vocal styles and techniques. Shawn is known for his smooth, emotive vocals, which showcase his impressive range and control. Khalid, on the other hand, has a more laid-back, almost nonchalant vocal style that perfectly complements Shawn's emotive delivery.

If you want to sing like Shawn Mendes feat. Khalid, there are a few key things to keep in mind:

  • Focus on breath support: Both Shawn and Khalid use their breath to great effect to create a smooth, relaxed vocal style. Practice breath support exercises to improve your technique.
  • Emphasize emotion: Shawn's vocals are emotive and expressive, while Khalid's delivery is more understated. However, both singers convey a sense of emotional honesty that resonates with their listeners. Focus on conveying the emotion of the song through your delivery.
  • Work on vocal range: Shawn's vocal range is impressive, spanning several octaves. Practice vocal exercises to improve your range and control.

To get started, Singing Carrots' range test can help you determine your vocal range in relation to Shawn's and Khalid's. Practice breathing exercises to improve your breath support and take Singing Carrots' course on breathing and resonance to improve your technique.

For songs to practice, look no further than "Youth." However, other songs by Shawn Mendes like "Stitches" and "Lost in Japan" showcase his impressive technique and range. Meanwhile, Khalid's "Location" and "Young Dumb & Broke" give a good idea of his vocal style.

Incorporating singing games and pitch visualizers , you can use Singing Carrots' pitch training to help you improve your pitch accuracy, and their vocal pitch monitor to see your notes on a virtual piano. This is true also for practicing articulation, onsets and offsets through Singing Carrots' rich video library.

Remember, singing like Shawn Mendes feat. Khalid starts with understanding their unique vocal styles and techniques, practicing regularly, and incorporating Singing Carrots' resources to take your singing to the next level.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.